that has fired people up. the million of dollars of bonuses. >> you remember the great aig row of 2009 when the administration rightly got upset that aig was handing out millions in bonuses to a company we bailed out. these are the government entities wholly owned by the taxpayers unfortunately. they are paying out actually an average of more than the aig bonuses were. silence from the administration. aig bonuses were $165 million for 400 employees. half a million each. these are $12.79 million for ten employees. you would think there would be perhaps more outrage. but we will be on the hook for these guys. >> bret: juan? >> they should be outraged. that is appalling. the people are supposed to be helping americans with housing. they have corrupted a really important idea. the idea they would be now claiming bonuses. it's just to me appalling. again, the white house response was we have a reform package in.