time. this is a long road, and steadiness and vision and record matters. when you look at mitt romney's records of ' i think that will prevail. you can't look at any one poll and make any final conclusions. number three there is a steadiness that you have to have to prevail in the republican nomination process as well as the election. what we see is when you look to find out who is the most knowledgeable, most capable, most electable, most steady candidate in the race with the best record it's mitt romney. and i can assure you that over the next six and eight months he'll continue to have the support and gain momentum and be the nominee. megyn: he may be all of those theurpbgs i think you would concede that he's not the most conservative of the picks that the voters have right now in the gop field, and is that proving to be a problem for him? is that why the election threat on the gop side seems to keep