at lunch and he would say, so, what is everybody reading? and i was busy and reading mostly cables and i would have to say to myself did i say last week i was reading that book? because he moved on this something else. really, really smart, insightful person. >> ments he pushed everybody. you make the claim you think what happened with the arab spring and what's happened with gaddafi -- by the way, were you obsessed to find out gaddafi had an obsession and crush on you? >> yeah, it's a little weird. i learned about it before i went to libya. oh, yeah, a couple foreign minister friends told me about it. >> are you suggesting he was flirting with you? >> i don't know if gaddafi flirted. i don't think that's quite the right way to think about it. all i know is i went there to do a job, he had given up his weapons of mass destruction, he had gottennen out of the terrorist families and he was going to pay the victims family -- >> pan am?