phenomena? you were called horrific names. harry belafonte comes to mind. >> i always tell people you don't need to tell me what it means to be black, i've been black all my life. and blacks have to think a particular way. you are the one who is actually prejudiced. if you were looking at somebody who was white you would not say well you have to think a particular way. and so if you look at somebody who is black and you say that about them, then check your own prejudice. >> but it was very strong language. herman cain, and i interviewed him, as he has ascended in the policy against all odds, but he's had an incredible life. you have a pretty fascinating family background, so does he. i thought a great book i read was by clarence thomas "my grandfather's son." a great book. he grew up poor and the discipline of a grandfather brought him to be a supreme court justice. both clarence thomas and herman