fourth place in iowa, and fifth place in new hampshire, and fourth place in south carolina and tied for third place in florida. >> what is it mr. herman cain do to win iowa? >> show up there and build on this momentum. you can't just simply hope people show up. you now have to go there and see men it by your presence there and spend more time. i notice he's going to alabama shortly. i wouldn't worry about spending a day in birmingham and montgomery, i would be spending time in waterloo and sioux city. >> but you have congresswoman bachman doing that and the reports are she's not got the tracks she hoped. >> you get a moment and herman cain has a moment. his passionate energy has propelled him near the top of the pack. i think he's actually fallen off. if you take a look in the national policy his two highest numbers were in the middle of october, 29 and 30. he's now dropped back into the mid-20s in the latest fox poll