need this kind of serious reform? the critics say it's never going to happen anyway. they say unless -- let's say that a republican is voted into president, you have to have a republican congress to get anything passed. critics are saying this is all pie in the sky, it will never happen anyway. >> 60 votes in the senate, i would say the odds makers will say the republicans will probably keep the house and have a great job at the senate. you need those votes and keep in mind, a conservative columnist said this is all a farce. it's a carnival. why even bring it up tax plans? why don't you do the things that are going to affect the american people and they're more practical. >> sure. you know, rick perry had gone for a couple of months without sitting down on the bill o'reilly show. he did last night and one of the things that bill o. is famous for is asking tough questions and making tough statements. here is bill o'reilly telling mr. perry the big mistake he made. >> with all due respect, can i tell you a mistake i think you made? >> sure. >> all right.