goes right to the show. jon: fox news alert on serial rapist own the loose. police in the dallas area say the suspect attacked four women so far. the victims have striking similarities. they're all african-americans, all in their 50s and 60s and everyone of the victims belonged to the same college sorority. rick leventhal is following that story live from our new york city newsroom. why are police thinking that this guy is going after this sorority, rick? >> reporter: it's a good question and police say they don't know why or how but they say that delta sigma theta has absolutely been singled out. our four victims were assaulted between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. sleeping in their homes of texas cities of corinth, plano oar coppell. all black females in their 60s and members the sorority. chef video. a heavy black male in late 30s or early 40s. he was between 275 and 300 pounds.