advice for those high school students watching. don't go to college, you will be wealthier because you don't have the debt and happier if you learn a trade which we are sorely lacking right now. and date 36-year-old sidekicks. you will be happier. and happier, and also happy. that's my advice. >> my feeling is tuition has tripled in 20 years. i did look it up. what ann coulter said, it is $21,000 a year. the students on wall street should be occupying the campuses. >> and mad about that. >> but they don't see that. they see forgiving debt before expressing real outrage at a 10-year professor. the 10-year professors are saying go support. but they don't realize they are the problem. >> and after you are done giving them the $140,000 they write you a letter every single year.