>> that's the point. if there was one sign with a racist sign, why did they put that in? because it did fit their world view that conservatives were bigots. as a matter of fact, the main street media went for weeks and weeks with a story about how tea partiers allegedly shouted, you know, the word. >> bill: racial stuff. >> at black congress people as they were going to vote on health care. so this is not a -- this is not a shred of evidence to say this happened. here is evidence, we've just seen evidence of something that we know exists. i'd like to see it on the air in some main stream media outlets. >> bill: you're not going to see it. brit hume and i were discussing the herman cain situation and people say look, mr. cain not a serious player because he's not setting up the infrastructure that he needs to win. others say you're crazy, he's a populist, he's going about it in a different way. but there is a split in the republican party. >> yes, there is. >> bill: between the traditionalists who are backing romney right now.