the other candidates. and, you know, there are a lot of factors both good and bad and luck and so many things involved. she is saying a lot of the right things. she resonates with a lot of people. she went up like a rocket ship. i think when governor perry came in he really took some of her thunder and you and i have discussed that, michelle. i don't know right, right, wrong, or indifferent, i think she is really doing an excellent job. >> greta: well now to the battle over jobs. it is getting nastier by the minute. actually, it's getting snarky. here is president obama taking a shot at congressional republicans today. >> what we're going to do is brake up my jobs bill. maybe they couldn't understand the whole thing all at once. [ laughter ] >> so we're going to break it up into bite size pieces. so they can take a thoughtful approach to this legislation. >> greta: now, the president isn't the only one getting a bit snarky today. white house press secretary jay carney on air force one talking to reporters accuses the republicans of not having an