moral vulcanization and economic vulcanization of america is that a good analysis? >> that is excellent analysis. let me say also, i predict and this is where you get into touchy. you have got the chapter on when white america. >> sean: saving that for the next segment. >> i mean, the vulcanization that's true and as we talked today, i have a chapter in there of 18,000 wortdz, it's called et nic nationalism and now it's tribal. predicted at the end of the cold war that the real conflicts coming up would be between peoples and tribes and races and cultures rather than ideologies like communism and capitalism. i think they are right. all over the world we see countries breaking down, breaking apart. sue began just broke in half. ethiopia broke in half. see all the troubles in kenya. you see iraq. sunni vs. she a kurd vs. arab. muslim vs. christian. the anti-christian pandemic.