the part of this administration. he has the lowest job approval rating of his presidency, he has the highest disapproval, and he is becoming increasingly populist and irresponsible in his demagoguery. megyn: well, it's an interesting thought about whether any political party is to blame for these firefighters' position or whether the states who overspent are the ones to blame. >> may i put this really succinctly? we have watched six and a half million people in the private sector lose their jobs over the course of the past three years. 290,000 in the public sector. what's going on? megyn: interesting statistic. lou, thank you. >> thank you. megyn: the administration is now walking away from a big part of the health care overhaul because it admits the country cannot afford this part of the plan. in three minutes, what could this mean for the rest of that law? and a florida man fired over a pin just like this one. why wearing the stars and stripes end up costing him his job.