he refers to a big event and talks abgolden shovels, bulldozers, hard hats, et cetera. he writes angrily, "how hard is this? what is he waiting for?" we'll discuss this breaking news with the panel in just a few minutes. we're still scouring through all of the documents. the nation unemployment rate is stuck at 9.1%. while the labor department reports 103,000 workers were hired in helicopter, many are finding it hard to get a job because some companies won't hire the unemployed. correspondent mik mike tobin los at the possible solution raising eyebrows. >> outrage over the online hiring ads. dozens state they only want to fill job vacancies with people who already have jobs. >> we were surprised to find well over 100 ads that explicitly stated that the unemployed won't be considered. certainly, if you see 100 ads you know it's probably happening in thousands more. >> reporter: critics label it discrimination against the unemployed. activists say it unfairly