demolition. this stuff is insanity, the president of the united states wouldn't recognize initially the tea party as legitimate force but now these protesters and knit caps and alpaca dirty pullovers. >> bill: are they dirty. >> they haven't been watched since the carter administration. >> if you want to get a knit cap in new york you can't they are gone. >> bill: after you sharyl attkinson the cbs correspondent working the fast and furious story. you had her on and ms. laura's radio program broke this story ride open, i am going to ask her this in detail. she did call the white house on comment on attorney general holder contradicting his own department memo in front of congress. the guy schultz. >> eric consults. >> he cursed ms. atkinson. i'm thinking maybe this whole thing, this whole -- because the barack obama white house has been pretty tight, pretty on message. you would agree.