history at this moment actually turns that on its head? it gives an opening for something like this to happen? someone with doesn't have political experience to go to the highest office in the land? >> i'm always open to unprecedented ideas and realities maybe but i'm simply saying from a historical perspective the odds are clearly against it. i think you could interpret cain's percentage, first of all as an endorsement of him. people really like him but he might be a placeholder of sorts. we've had a lot of comings and goings, mainly goings in the republican side recently and some people who maybe wanted to support chris christie or wanted to support sarah palin or wanted to support one of the other candidates who didn't end up running might go with cain for the time-being. we'll see what the eventual choice is once we get to iowa, new hampshire, nevada and south carolina. jenna: let me ask you the historical perspective on that. you cite in your crystal ball, right, that 10 different individuals have