pretend that he's the one and all after sudden, find out he's a jerk all along. >> af been there. >> and i didn't want to mention it. but they have a problem with solyndra as well. and it's the same one, that they have with the for years, which is they brush it off, this is no big deal and then little by little you start pulling on the threads of this story and you find out, that the career civil servants this deal was not ready for prime time. they said, we want to-- the west wing is pressuring uwe don't think this is ready for prime time. don't make us do this, and they did it anyway and even when he they found out that the company was not going to succeed, you can't me a product for $6 and sell it for $3 and expect to make a profit for a technology that wasn't necessary in the solar energy world. the white house-- believe me, last week you saw solyndra executives raising their right hand and pleading fifth. somebody else in the administration will be raising their right hand. >> the rating agency 2008, fitch calls is not investment