heat-seeking missiles from moammar gadhafi's arsenal. missing -- missing -- since the fall of the regime. now lawmakers in congress concerned those weapons could wind up in the hands of terrorists. history shows the missiles are capable of bringing down commercial airliners, so the administration is working to find and destroy the massive, massive amounts of heavy firepower. trace gallagher live in our west coast newsroom with more. trace? >> reporter: megyn, the reason these shoulder-fired missiles are so lethal to passenger planes is because they're heat-seeking, they actually lock in on the jet engine heat on passenger planes, and they are deadly accurate to within two miles, 11,000 feet. they also take almost no training to fire these things. defense officials tell fox news that moammar gadhafi had 20,000 of these shoulder-fired missiles in his arsenal. members of the house intelligence committee have voiced concerns that the missiles may, as they say, walk