>>ill: all right. then why, mr. freidman, do many tea party folks want herman cain? if morgan would like to come on and answer that question. we have a slot for him any time on the factor. check three, "saturday night live" now in its 37th season. open season on the presidential candidates. >> i believe social security is a ponzi scheme. i believe we need to build a fence to keep the illegals act. however, should any illegals get through and have children here, i think we should open our hearts and pay for their education. [boos] >> do over, do over. >> mitt romney might not be the perfect candidate. is he a perfect candidates in comparison to the other candidates. next to rick perry i'm a centrist. next to michele bachmann i'm a private sector businessman. next to newt gingrich i have a normal human sized head. [ laughter ] next to ron paul, well, i'm the fonz. and next to herman cain,.