the guns. they followed the guns to a storehouse. they would not have 24-hour surveillance except for one of the agents decided to stay there six days, and i don't know when, but anyway, a truck came along to load up the guns. they called for help to arrest them in the process of transferring the guns, but they wouldn't send anybody to arrest them, so the guns got over -- got some place, maybe over the border, and they were never traced which was the purpose of the operation in the first place. >> greta: now, the first question i have when i was looking through all these materials, and i've got copies of documents. there's one letter from the justice department dated february 4th of this year in which it says at the outset, the allegation described in jury january 27th letter, senator, that the atf sanctioned or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who transferred them to mexico is false.