try to paint mitt romney as a flip-flopper, for john mccain it worked well. they said the case it isn't working all he though you saw something in the debate on thursday night, that may hurt romney. >> they don't necessarily go to the candidates who is the most articulate. he's the candidates that doesn't say anything that appears in the opponent's campaign ad. when mitt romney said there are a lot of reasons not to elect me. you can see the campaign ad man starting to write that script. >> alisyn: sorry to interrupt. let's get that moment. >> i'm going to stand by my positions and i'm proud of them. there are a lot of reasons not it elect me, a lot of reasons not to elect others on the stage. >> alisyn: he's trying to be self-efacing, there are a lot of reasons not to elect me. democrats could season that. >> either rick perry or barack