so we'll wait for the president to come out and -- to come out and listen for the headline. thank you for your time. >> you bet, bill. bill: britt brit hume. martha: we've got that in a few minutes, stick around for that. in the meantime the next straw poll is going to northbound florida, which is of course a huge battle ground state in all of this, the governor there, republican rick scott, is already making this morning a very big prediction about that straw poll. watch: >> 3000 very active republicans, they are going to be delegates and i personally believe whoever wins that straw poll, they will be the next president of the united states. martha: and he says that's backed up by history. so we'll see if rick cott is right, the president speaking moments from now from the white house which should lead to a round of fresh reaction from his would-be rivals on the gop side and chief political correspondent carl cameron is already in orlando as he gets ready, the president dark the fox news debate coming up on thursday and