he said then and he went on to say he thinks the american people want to find out what happened to all our money that caused the crash in 2008. he said i know the attorney general is a close friend of yours but his explanations aren't good. fire him, too. demand answers. >> there's a whole growing list. i put together yesterday a list of senators, democratic senators in congress, people who have had enough and said we can't sign on to this new jobs bill. we don't know where the money is coming from and we don't know why you're using it this way. the left is moving further and further away from obama now. >> senator webb, senator casy. >> on and on and on. there's 12 of them who say this isn't working for us. >> one person that's probably still on his team is his wife michelle obama and she's announcing a new effort, you know, she's behind this whole fitness movement to try to control restaurant portion sizes specifically for kids. i believe it will be unveiled in the next coming months that the olive garden and maybe -- is it the lobster restaurant, too, i think so. that they are going to have a fruit or vegetable on the side for the kids.

Related Keywords

Big Money ,People ,Friend ,Explanations ,Attorney General ,Growing List ,Crash ,Arent Good ,Fire Him ,2008 ,The Way ,Money ,A La Carte ,Senators ,Left ,List ,Congress ,President Obama ,Person ,Team ,Senator ,Wife ,Effort ,On And ,Isnt Working For Us ,Casy ,Senator Webb ,12 ,One ,Kids ,Fruit ,Side ,Lobster Restaurant ,Vegetable ,Fitness Movement ,Restaurant Portion Sizes ,Olive Garden ,

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