move these bones because we're worried it could be the bones of, as you mentioned, a pioneer or something like that? >> reporter: correct. or a native american. there are protocols that have to be followed when remains are found in this kind of a designated area, so they're following the rules, and as we get more information, we'll pass it on. jenna: they have detectives sitting there overnight guarding the bones. again, no one's touching them. at this point here's the speed bump, right? to see if anyone knows if this is susan powell or not. so we'll continue to keep our viewers updated. very interesting twist, rick. thank you. jon: some part of the crew of the international space station is headed back to earth, but after the disastrous launch gone bad of the last supply rocket that the russians tried to send up, is the future of this international station in doubt? and why one school is saying, no, you can't to teaching the bible in the class room. the argument is not as cut and dried as you might think.