others say they need to go through . 10 years is a different story. to hear those folks at new york, which is obviously the centerpiece of the world trade center, the boy who said, he never met his father because he was in his mother's belly many he said i love you, you gave me the gift of life, i wish you could be here to enjoy it with me that is powerful. i don't care where you sit it strikes a chord, i think. for americans this is an important day. one of the reasons that we spend so much time looking back and looking forward about how the country has changed. >> we are taking in some of the video we have bret of the wreath laying with the president and the first lady. they have a busy schedule ahead today, as our leaders do honor today. it is so appropriate that you pointed out that little boy who was naming his father at ground zero, it was a moment

Related Keywords

New York City ,World Trade Center ,Story ,Folks ,Father ,Centerpiece ,Boy ,Others ,10 ,Life ,Gift ,Mother ,Belly ,Chord ,I Love You ,One ,Us ,Country ,Some ,Reasons ,Bret ,Video ,President Georgew Bush ,Michelle Obama ,Ground Zero ,Leaders ,Little Boy ,Honor Today ,Busy Schedule Ahead Today ,Wreath Laying ,Zero ,

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