you found out, one, let's start with the skating. >> that's my -- the stars, stripes, and skates. they had sohios. indianapolis kerrigan. they weren't involved. >> tara mod lynn was the founder. >> so they showed up these ice skaters and they had shows. >> kids waved the flag and they said the money would go to past and future terror victims. not a cent has been paid. >> bill: how long a period of time. >> since they started since 9/11. >> bill: 10 years didn't send any money. >> we spent all the money producing these events. and, you know, but she did give auto thousand to consultants, included her best friend. >> bill: the usual scam. >> the usual. >> bill: american quilt memorial, what's that? >> was going to be a quilt big enough to cover 25 football fields. i mean, i'm not sure why that's a great thing but there is no quilt. there are a few hundred sheets