growth from rating these subprime securities aaa when they were really toxic securities and junk, in other words, payments were not coming in, so s&p was called in before henry waxman's committee where we saw e-mails at the time revealed in the fall 2008 statements from s&p and the other rating agencies such as we have -- it was structured by a cow, we would rate it, things such as, you know, where is -- where are the ratings agencies going to be on this after this -- the ratings go out. megyn: structured by cows and we would rate it and let's hope we're wealthy and retired by the time this house of cards falters. >> the point being that this was known in the fall of 2008. so why did it take three years for all of the sudden the department of justice to come out and say yes, we do have an ongoing civil investigation into s&p? the timing is striking. by the way -- >> megyn: by the way, people are questioning the fact of whether the investigation going on was leaked now because they want to satisfy