basically what he is saying is that if you make over $1 million you should pay higher rate of tax, and if you make over $10 million, higher rate of tax. but mr. buffett doesn't point out his company berkshire hathaway only pays 35% on hir money. not the corporate rate. he pays 17% of his income. he wants to pay more money, there are ways to do that. >> dana: there are ways but the treasury department have a website to go and donate what is it called? >> eric: gifts to the united states. >> dana: gifts to the united states government. if you want to give more to the federal government and have it spent, you can. now let me back up. who am i to criticize warren buffett's investments? he has done better than i in that area. i am for wholesale tax reform. it could be that billionaires and millionaires should pay some more but it has to be the wholesale tax reform as well as entitlement reform.