the problem that people hear when they say billionaire should pay more, it starts off that way. when president obama talks about billionaires, is it people that make $1 million or have a million in the bank? there is no definition. >> greg: not enough. the mess of people he was talking about were 400 people. that article -- that editorial -- daps that's how many people read the paper. >> greg: exactly. the combined for the super rich that make taxable income of $16.9 billion. if you took all of their money it wouldn't amount to enough. >> eric: right. it's around $90 billion last year. if you bought their number up you'd make $15 billion back. the point is this is all written because we have $17 trillion national debt. and growing by $1.5 trillion. why not address spending? why is it always on the left, bob? address taxing. tax more and spend less. >> bob: if i could correct you. first, it's not a corporation