get. that is your personal conversation. >> greg: to monitor facebook or twiter you join the group. you become a friend of somebody on facebook. >> bob: so the cops are our friends on facebook? >> greg: exactly. >> bob: to hell with that. >> andrew: what greg is saying is true. from your point of view. tell me if i have this right on twiter. they know what they are doing. can they force their way to your group without a search warrant? >> kimberly: no. >> andrew: can they ask you to join a group and tell them who you are an reject them when f they want to join? >> bob: if they do it without your approval -- daps however, if it's terrorism and we're trying to prevent an attack and they are organizing on twiter and facebook i bet that you might change your mind. >> andrew: i wouldn't change my mind. daps i know, that's why i turned to bob.