poll also found that 73 percent of americans say the u.s. is on the wrong track, only 21 percent of you say the country is headed in the right direction, and this is the highest figure measured since they began asking this question a number of years ago. what do you think? go to the chat. we're going to be reading some of your comments about whether america is going in the wrong or the right direction. we'll have that coming up later on "happening now". jenna: interesting numbers there. let's go back to the markets now. the markets are trading lower by more than 400 points, after finishing higher by 400 points yesterday, partner at bcb partners, you say in your 49 years of being a market watcher, you've never seen volatility like you've seen this week. what is making this so different? >> the reason i think it's different, jenna, a, we're talking about much larger amounts than in perhaps 1987 and 2003, 2008 they were, of course, gargantuan but the