phis me. what is this guy going to do and what can he influence? he certainly can't make the law and he can't make the budget. yes, he can get on television and speak. and he does that quite often. and apparently it's not working. there is something more fundamental going on here. and that is maybe containsian economics doesn't work. >> bill: it doesn't work. obviously. not in this country and no other countries. >> why are people like freidman and those kind of people not brought back the chicago school instead of listening to, you know the canessian people. >> crazy people don't care about the facts they care about how they fe. i appreciate your optimistic viewpoint because i think we needed to hear a little bit about that on the economy tonight. thank you for coming on in here. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: bernie goldberg on how the media is handling the economic. bernie is worked up. bernie is next.