markets think it's so great. there is a little more in terms of what we've seen out of the republicans in terms of cuts than the reid plan. they are trying to push the reid plan as being fiscally responsible because it takes only one vote to raise the debt ceiling. this is what the white house is saying, two votes is something along the lines of let's revisit this topic next year throwing the whole process into chaos once again. that's the white house's line. we've been reporting this now for three days and they have yet to issue their denial. not that i often take that with anything more than a grain of salt but there you have it. alisyn: that is a bombshell, charlie. thank you for sharing that with us. we'll check back in with you. also, we need to tell you some more breaking news. moments ago in the white house briefing room reporters pressed about the president's role in these high stakes debt debates watch this. >> you've said several times the highest levels there are phone calls happening from here and yet mow mansion who is one of