passengers were fine. the plane, of course, is now being repaired. those folks went on to brazil. martha: wow. unbelievable. and once again, cool as a cucumber, that pilot, as he explained what was happening, and that was unbelievable. trace, thank you very much. >> reporter: sure. martha: thank goodness it turned out okay. new calls for an ethics investigation into reports that this congressman forced an unwanted sexual encounter on a teenage girl, yep, you heard me right. the congressman in earlier years in a tiger suit. columnist michelle malkin joins us with the new scandal for democrats, so she'll talk about that. and also new developments in the search for jackie waller, the missing mother of three from missouri. crews are desperately searching as new leads seem to implicate her estranged husband. new developments in this case, we're going to bring those to you right after the break. >> i come in here for one purpose, that's to find our kid. >> just keep praying, that's