whole process has senate democrats or the white house passed a budget, put a budget out there or even put a plan out there. the conversations i was having with the president in case the senate didn't pass cut, cap and balance, there was never any plan from the white house, the whole plan came from us. we laid out the framework. and at some point they've got to lay their cards on the table. >> well, today, both the house and the senate will reveal plans of their own. can they find common ground? joining us, michigan congressman and republican presidential candidate thaddeus mccotter. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> mr. boehner made the case we haven't heard anything from the democrats and the president hasn't laid out a plan. senator reid has, laying out the plan. no entitlement reforms and no tax hikes. >> what senator reid is trying to do is a stop gap. we have to remember as john boehner has pointed out before,