that would cut over a trilliont dollars in spending and raiset the debt ceiling into next year. and then there would be a mechanism for more cuts that if approved the debt ceiling would be raised past the 2012 21 election. will the president sign that into law? me pr chris, let me tell you what we are trying to do. rs first and most important we need to lift this shred of default from the economy for the next 18 months. we have to take that threatctio. off the table through the election?t t try -- through the election. mak but we want to make sure we can come together 1k3* lock in s some long-term savings to getous our fiscal house in order. we need to do both those things so congress can get t the back and make the economytronged stronger and get moreamericans b americans back to work. >> so for lack of a better o word we will call it the boehner plan, would theett. president veto that? >> let me step back.k there are two types of planseco. on the table now.