it didn't say worried about her safe. she was worried about that incident the thursday before this. but she didn't say she felt unsafe to live in that apartment. >> judge jeanine: the incident the day before? >> it was the thursday before. saturday night she had written the e-mail talking about thursday night. that she had thought someone had tried to break into her apartment. >> judge jeanine: police have identified a person of interest this stephen mcdaniels. you have met him. do you think he's capable of doing this? >> it is hard for me to believe that anyone that i looked into their eyes that it could be them. i'm very trusting. i have a lot of faith in humanity. for me it is hard to believe that. right now, i'm going -- i'd go with any evidence the police give membership am i trust them. i trust the fbi. i'm very thankful they are involved in this case. >> judge jeanine: thank you kaitlin and sarah. now to the investigation itself. mike burns is chief of the macon police department.