are hiring him, we are not easy llama phobic. you are the homegrown terrorist. >> do you know what happens if me or you leaves our book bag in the subway? eight muggers will grab it thinking it is their lucky day. >> remember we did on "red eye" maybe a week ago, becca was on on friday. we talked about "breakfast at tiffany's" and back then they had mickey rooney play a japanese man and how now a days it looks really, really bad. isn't this the same thing? >> mickey rooney was born in tokyo. >> he was? >> many had to change their name. >> i had no idea. why didn't you bring this up on friday? >> you know what, becca was on a role and he was offending people. i thought he should have at it. getting back to your point though, as one who owns a lot of backpacks in all colors of the rainbow.