it's buying at least 460 new jets over the next four -- five years, i should say, from boeing and airbus. harris faulkner live in the newsroom with a little bit more on that. harris? >> reporter: yeah. you know, american airlines' parent company is going to purchase 460 new planes, and they're going to take about half of them from boeing and half from a european plane maker. they're hoping to drive down some of their fuel expenses by putting better mileage planes in the air. they also, it's kind of a twin announcement because they're also saying that they plan to, you know the american eagle subsidiary, they're going to spin that off as a separate company. all of this, though, under one blanket announcement which was not so positive for the parent company, amr corp. of american airlines. it says that the group lost $286 million in the second quarter so far of this year, and they're blaming -- in some part -- rising fuel prices that wiped out their gains in revenue.