what do you expect will happen? >> well, i expect cut, cap and balance will pass the house of representatives, go to the senate an die. just about like everything else, that the republican house snendz to the senate these days and i know there are a lot of republican senators that support cut, cap and balance but there aren't enough in the senate to move the bill to the president. >> jamie: how critical is it to have a balanced budget amendment or don't we need it at all? >> well i think i'll leave that to the policymakers to decide. what i would tell you is that republicans, particularly the ones elected in 2010, feel like the government cannot control itself and so what they are demanding is the balanced budget amendment be sent to the state for ratification and the state could get it and reject it because you need 3/4 of the states to approve a constitutional amendment. i believe i have my math right there. and, so, i'm not sure that it would matter ultimately, but, it is something that republicans feel strongly about and i think in the future, it could do one of two things, force the hard