i can also say that it is well-known that at the time there was a dispute between fox news and its coverage and the white house and its feelings about the coverage. i mean, that was then and, you know, we, obviously deal with fox news regularly. i call on you regularly. we give interviews to fox news, including to bill o'reilly. >> bill: as well they should. joining us now from north carolina to analyze the purveyor of bernard goldberg.com bernie goldberg. all right, they are saying it's all in the past. and that's what mike clement, the senior v.p. for hard news says our relations have improved with the white house. you say? >> yeah. it may be, say may because i think if it suits their purpose down the road to start the war going again they probably will, rear view mirror. the emails that were just released tell us something important. tells us that these politicians in the white house are willing to look you right in the eye and