ten times the legislative process. >> glenn: which makes congress irrelevant do you remember congress, i don't remember which it was. jim demint, i looked at him and i said you're in more trouble than you think. you're about to become irrelevant. they are. because of cass sunstein. he is he married to? sam powers. why is she scary? >> that is a long list. where do you want to start? >> glenn: why is she now in the spotlight? can you tell me, samantha powers, wife of cass sunstein, the advisor to the president of the united states do you know, josephine? >> she has obama's ear. she is next to him. >> glenn: what is she encouraging him to do? what was her big policy? >> yes, back here. barbara? >> a big threat -- it's a big

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Glenn Beck ,Times ,Congress ,Process ,Ten ,Cass Sunstein ,Trouble ,Sam Powers ,Jim Demint ,America ,President ,Josephine ,Samantha Powers ,Wife ,List ,Spotlight ,President Obama ,Yes ,Policy ,Ear ,Threat ,Barbara ,

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