opinions. no one will ever know except her. she knows if her tears are genuine or if she's trying to put on some sort of an act for a jury. martha: and she has been from the beginning, you know, everything you look at and talk to people an unsympathetic character in this story. and that, you know, has been a difficult hurdle, obviously, for the defense to overcome in this case. and you wonder what these jurors think of her having watched it -- >> i was about to say, you wonder about that behavior, and you wonder whether that plays into the prosecution's theory or plays into the defense's theory. her behavior is so bizarre, so out there, so beyond the ability of anyone to explain. and since so much seems to be kept out of this trial and away from jury about the family, about george anthony, about lee anthony, about cindy anthony, who is the father of this child, you wonder whether or not that behavior may actually have kept her from a murder one conviction. >> even the motive in this case,