always struck in this story by the missing father, you know? i mean, who is this child's father? the one element in this poor little baby's life that we will never know is who was the father of this little girl? judge napolitano, one of the questions that's been raised here is whether or not judge belle vin perry at this point, would he have been told by a court officer what the verdict is? does he know? >> >> you know, that's a very good question. in some states it's impermissible for court officers to tell anyone, even the judge. in other states the judges want to know what the verdict is, they want to see it in writing to make sure it is announced to the world correctly because sometimes the people doing the announcement in the courtroom are not familiar with this. my guess is he does know, he has his own copy, he'll read it silently to himself as the clerk reads it aloud for all of us to hear. martha: you look at casey anthony, back to the panel now.