something else, someone else will come forward to bolster them so they have another credible witness. this is a huge guy, a huge story, and for them, now, because they went aggressively after him, as you know, huge bail, can't leave the state, give us your travel documents, splashed all over, potentially ruining his chance to go and run for president, if trance, so the issue then becomes how do they back out gracefully. >> and only potentially ruining his chance. as you can see, 49 percent of the people are split down the middle about half in trance believe he could still run as a socialist and defeat sarkozy so he is not out of the picture there. i imagine he will want to put all this behind him very quickly whether the case in new york or the new complaint that is supposedly going to be filed in paris. >> i agree and that is why i think the slander suit was smart, he is being aaggressive and she will withdraw the case