one fact i forgot to bring up when i was talking about the pool. that's consistent with things at home, things don't make sense. there's reasonable daut. you can't trust this evident, you can't. >> judge jeanine: our legal panel back with us now. all right. bob, let me go to you first. >> sure. >> judge jeanine: anna and i were sitting here in the studio shaking our heads and this has taken so many incoming shots. are you priced he did attempt suicide, but if you look at baez, he says he didn't. >> the body blows this poor guy has taken, unbelievable. i must tell you, judge, i really think on this issue today, he went overboard. there is a point, there is a point that you have to respect that he is the grandfather to this baby that's dead. he crushed that. he took away the reverence of that relationship and it was too much, i think it was a little offensive if not a lot