backyard, and it is really -- really doesn't move the city's business forward and does not unite us. >> reporter: now, the other councilman who voted against even the compromise compared, saying the pledge of allegiance to reciting the communist manifesto, before a council meeting. gregg? gregg: so, dan, did the compromise make either side happy or nobody? >> reporter: well, it really made nobody happy, even those who were supporting, saying the pledge, were stunned by the controversy, in the -- and the hostility and eugene is a city that really celebrates the berkeley, people call it berkeley north and you have all kinds of celebrations and people are out here, riding cycles in the nude and even a statue honoring the hero of the counterculture, ken kesey who wrote about going cross-county on acid trips and the pledge of allegiance was written in 1892, by a baptist minister and congress added the words "one