education week. and, so we feel like we do have some things that are working, and, our long history of providing environmental education, for us, is one of those things. and, even in the inner city, title one schools when kids have an opportunity to participate in some real world learning, such as raising native oysters and replenishing reef habitat by raising the oysters they can learn math and read and write about the history of oystering in the state of maryland and throughout the chesapeake bay and that gets them excited and that helps to boost their achievements. this is really about making schools better. >> eric: but are both sides of the environmental debate, such as global warming going to be taught or will it be one... >> people express concern about the content but what is important to know is that this new requirement doesn't actually mandate any content at all. and, it is up to the local education agencies to determine how they'll meet the requirement and what the curricular

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