if we start to say it now has become obsolete that's when we get in trouble. it is the center point of our government and foundation and it should be treated as such. what you see now is people trying to say, it's so outdated, it's so old we don't really need to do it any more, we don't need to use it any more or put it in context because the world has changed so much. i think they knew the world was changing, they th-r changing the world when they wrote it. shannon: the tea party, this has been at the center of a lot of their arguments the last year or two as that party and movement has come together. they say it's time for us to return to it. sally are you one of those who thinks the tea party is exploiting or misusing the constitution in some way. >> i don't think we ever left the constitution. i'm grateful for the tea party folks that remind us about the founding documents that we need to celebrate more. let's be clear. thankfully again the founders created our great nation but they were never perfect. over two centuries ago they started us on a journey, it was the beginning of a journey, it wasn't the the end. the constitution is the beginning of our country not the