home was going into foreclosure. i say who is this woman? do you work and do you make that money to give it away? what she is saying is and though i lied to investigators and said i didn't have an affair. i did have an affair with george. he says he believes it was an accident that was going out of control or went out of control as it relates to his granddaughter. you and i both know, we've tried enough cases. people like this come out of the woodwork this is not a woman i find to be credible. what do i want to know? how are you going to get this woman on the stand? what is she going to say? how is it relevant? george anthony is not on trial. >> greta: how long has the prosecution known about this witness? >> i think she has been around for a long time. i think her story came out in the national enquirer sometimes ago. she'sing alleged she's had information. the police came in based upon what they heard and took her