>> i said it. >> andy, i think what you are trying to say is wiener will go through a brief refractory period, and then ready to run again. >> that's not what i was saying. >> you said wiener never should have brought up his parents. did you notice when he thanked them for instilling their values they slowly backed out of the room? >> i didn't even see them there. >> they weren't there. i was joking. idiot. >> i like hearing laughter from england. >> and then the idiot part, that sin resulting. >> i know, but my job is to provide facts. >> greg, you said there is no relocation program for era gapt jerks. -- for errogant jerks. >> it is witness relocation. he can't escape. he can go to rehab, but he can't escape his past. it is not like you are in the mob and you go somewhere else.